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Scilab matrix norm optimization

I had used Scilab for learning Digital Image Processing. It is a good open source alternative to Matlab. Although it has a good foundation, it was very clear that it was improvement was still possible.

In a recent image processing workshop, I learnt that the Scilab community had open sourced the source code on GitHub.

Keeping in mind that the software is continually evolving, I knew I could put my optimization skills to good use.

So, I dug into the code-base and found a few optimizable programs. So, I decided to inculcate parallelism into matrix norm calculation program, which is quite simple yet used by many other subprograms and external function calls.

There were many potential areas for optimization:
  • Elimination of redundant comparisons
  • Use else if construct to remove redundant checks
  • Remove floating point equality comparison!
  • Embarrassingly parallel/perfectly parallel for loop with reductions
  • Usage of min,max reduction of for loops, supported from openMP 3.1 onwards
  • Move iterative invariants outside loops and reuse variables
  • Factor out the FREE function from conditional statements (Scilab's version of the C memory d function free)
  • Intermediate variables to store repeated value computations
The following link leads to the optimized version of norm:

I'll pull request the Scilab repository soon.
I've issued a pull request on the Scilab repository!

A floating point comparison can really become a harbinger of erroneous code. It will definitely not be portable due to the hardware dependability of precision and representation of floating point numbers.

I've also extensively used OpenMP reductions, especially with the + operator. The min reduction has also been used. Here is a link explaining min and max reductions with for loops.

There were some instances of code where I was perplexed with it's utility. There were idempotent equality comparisons and trivial integral divisions. I have left them unchanged, in the feeling that there is some fine level detail not visible with a simple inspection. I will update this point as soon as I understand what those pieces of code are meant for! Please comment to this post in case you know what is happening.  :)

The optimized code also decreased in size, owing to the elimination of unnecessary conditional statements and redundant expression calculations!


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